Avalara Cross-border

Interactive Quiz      Dec 2019 - Jun 2021

Project Overview

Avalara, a sales-tax compliance company, works in a space that's increasingly complex. In order to show that they understood the needs of their audience under a particular vertical, Avalara needed to create targeted content that was relevant and spoke to the specific challenges their audience faced and helped generate leads and enable sales.

An interactive quiz was developed to tested their audience’s knowledge on the intricacies of Cross-border tax compliance in a fun and engaging manner. The quiz took readers through five scenarios, each backed by tips and additional content to reference, showing the depth of Avalara’s knowledge in that particular area. Depending on the result, a different call-to-action will appear enabling the audience to either start a conversation with Avalara or learn more by visiting their resource page.

Check out the live quiz here.

Project Logistics

Deliverable(s): Interactive quiz, social ad promos
Duration: 3 weeks