Hotwire Generation Alpha

Interactive Landing Page & Report      SEpt 2018 & Dec 2019

Project Overview

Each year Hotwire conducts a research peak to support their consumer practice growth and thought leadership. For the past three years, the report has dived deep into understanding Generation Alpha and how their behaviors are going to shape the world of tomorrow.

The report shared insights that lead the conversation around how marketers should approach selling to children born post-2010, known as Generation Alpha and how their involvement with technology has influenced their parents’ purchasing decisions. Each report was themed around an aspect of the research: ”Understanding Generation Alpha,” ”What the Parents Have to Say,” and “The Most Diverse Generation Yet.” For each report campaign was supported by an interactive landing page highlighting key takeaways, email and social promotion as well as sessions led at events throughout the world.

Check out the full interactive experiences:
Part 2 - What the Parents Have to Say     /     Part 3 - The Most Diverse Generation Yet

Project Logistics

Deliverable(s): Interactive micro-site and report design for 2nd and 3rd report
Cadence: Annually for 3 years