
Campaign Video      March 2020

Project Overview

Kiva, a mission driven technology non-profit, wanted to cut through the noise around International Women’s Day (IWD), which is a busy media moment—including celebrity and big brand campaigns—and demonstrate Kiva’s investment in women in the lead up to IWD, generating awareness and ultimately driving Americans to loan to women on

Armed with a small budget and big expectations we leveraged online communities and influencers to help appeal to a mass audience and drive online loans to women across the world. The team developed an idea around the statement ‘A powerful woman is...’ – helping to redefine what a powerful woman represents in 2020 and highlight the diverse and empowering women across the Kiva platform. The aim: celebrate the amazing stories and qualities of powerful women on the platform and beyond.

A quick-turn video was produced and shot, sharing highlights from the mural reveal at Oakland city hall. The video was edited and repurposed to be shared across Kiva's social channels to continue celebration throughout the month.

Project Logistics

Deliverable(s): 2-minute campaign reel x1, 10-sec social promo x3
Duration: <4 weeks